Schedule Availability Updates…

Thanks to our dedicated clientele our soonest appointment availability is currently in August (as of 6/1/2021). If you are interested in starting a new project with Jason, we recommend getting in touch with us as soon as you are ready to come in to discuss your plans with a consultation. We are typically booking out about 2 months in advance, so keep that time frame in mind when considering your options.

Since starting Black Swan Tattoo Company in January we have been open 6 days a week, closed only on Tuesdays. However, we are now in the process of transitioning to being closed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays as of August 2021.

Due to limited schedule availability and a high volume of inquiries, we are only able to take on larger projects to the calendar at this time. For smaller tattoos we would consider more of a “walk in” design we suggest giving us a call on a given day you would like to be tattooed to see if we have time to get you in after our scheduled appointments.

As always, we welcome any specific questions or inquiries via email, text or phone call to get more detailed information about your plans.


Closed For Shop Maintenance 7/20 - 7/30


Finished Hannya Back Piece…6 sessions